The tempo of the school year begins in January in Kenya and the first two months of the year are especially busy in the office. All 380+ students in the program receive new shoes and uniforms.
The 51 students who just finished the 8th grade exam are also featured in this newsletter. They are going to boarding school for the first time. It is in this time period that we work to get them placed in the best possible high school. Since there is a shortage of high school slots there is intense competition for the best schools. Once a school is selected each student has to have a boarding school trunk that meets the school’s specifications.
Students returning to 10th, 11th and 12th grade must have their uniforms and supplies refreshed. Every day, the office is full of students missing some important item or needing money for transport to school or wanting to be placed in a different school.
We also have a group of 37 students who just finished high school in December. They are now engaged in computer skills training in the office every day and are working to develop a plan for their post-secondary education. As is true everywhere in the world, their dreams must be tempered by the reality of their grades and the financial support we provide. I will meet with all of them to learn about their plans.
We are deeply appreciative of your continued confidence in the program and your support for the children.
Sincere thanks!

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