We have learned many new things since launching our portable sanitation(toilet) business, Karibu Loo, in Nairobi in 2015 to provide sustainable income to the nonprofit. An important one is that there is a professional association to support those in the business and that it is headquartered right here in Minneapolis. The Portable Sanitation Association International (PSAI) has provided Karibu Loo with financial and business-knowledge support as well as a whole network of peers. We so appreciate them!
As part of World Toilet and World Portable Sanitation Day, the PSAI is launching its first “Urgent Run” 5k Run/Walk. Proceeds will benefit Karibu Loo and its goals to provide income to the nonprofit, employment for NRCF graduates, and safe sanitation. The PSAI will join with the World Toilet Organization (WTO), the United Nations, and other groups around the world to promote toilet options that help address the global sanitation crisis.
Join us to have fun, raise awareness about global sanitation issues, and help support Karibu Loo and Friends of Ngong Road.
Date: Thursday, November 2, 2017. The run/walk will begin at 7:30 am and end by 9:30 am.
Location: Lake Calhoun in Minneapolis, MN. We will begin and end the run at Thomas Beach on the south end of the lake. An alternative, indoor location will be used if necessary due to inclement weather.
Price: $20.00 per person. This includes:
- An event t-shirt
- A water bottle
- Various promotional items from event sponsors
Awards: there will be a short presentation of awards for:
- First and second-place male finishers
- First and second-place female finishers
- Largest donation amount from a participating team
Register by completing this form or contacting the PSAI office at (952) 854-8300
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