We are pleased to introduce the Wepowerment Legacy Circle of Friends of Ngong Road, our estate and planned giving program. During 2023, the founding year, you are invited to join the 11 declared members by designating a planned gift to create a legacy of education.
Including Friends of Ngong Road in your estate plans allows us to celebrate you during your lifetime and honor you and your family for years to come. As you are writing or amending your will, please consider a planned gift to sponsor a student, endow a named scholarship, or support our programs where the need is greatest.
You can read about the options for making a planned gift and find a form on our website to join our Wepowerment Legacy Circle. Have you already included Friends of Ngong Road in your estate plans? Let us know!
For more information, please contact Carole Patrikakos, Executive Director, at carole@ngongroad.org.